Is tempered vacuum double glazing better than argon?
Conclusion: Vacuum double glazing is better than argon in terms of performance in thermal insulation.

If you are looking for ways to improve the energy efficiency and comfort of your home, you might be wondering whether vacuum double glazing is better than argon-filled glazing. today we will compare these two types of glazing and explain their pros and cons.

Vacuum double glazing consists of two tempered panes(take Landavac vacuum glazing as an example, the structure is 5mm tempered clear glass+0.3 vacuum chamber + 5mm tempered Low-E glass) of glass separated by a very thin gap of vacuum, which prevents heat transfer by conduction and convection. Argon-filled glazing also has two panes of glass, but the gap between them is filled with argon gas, which has a lower thermal conductivity than air but higher than vacuum environment.

So vacuum and argon glazing can reduce heat loss and noise compared to single glazing while they have different performances. Vacuum glazing has a higher thermal resistance than argon glazing, meaning it can keep more heat inside your home in winter and outside in summer.
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